iHear Services for Children 3-18 Years

We partner with school districts across the country to provide therapy to help a child meet his/her IEP (individualized education plan) goals. SJI uses a coaching model to help the school professional develop skills to teach their student based on listening and spoken language instructions directed by an iHear therapist.


  • Connect with internationally recognized therapists at St. Joseph Institute – trained in developing spoken language through listening – in a convenient and cost-effective manner
  • Receive individualized, flexible therapy based on the student’s availability throughout the day- even before school begins or after school dismisses
  • Monitor the child’s progress through regular feedback and coaching with the iHear therapist
  • Collaborative lesson planning to ensure that not only are your student’s needs being met but you are learning a strategy that you can use after your iHear session
  • Receive quarterly reports based on IEP goals and objectives
  • Receive standardized evaluations in the area of receptive and expressive language every six months

Auston has had some wonderful support staff on his journey. His audiologist, speech-language therapist and teachers have all been great. We were able to continue iHear through almost all his grade school years with Barb and then moving on to Michelle. I believe iHear has been a huge factor in Auston’s success story. Keeping us all on the same page and using experienced listening and spoken language therapy to guide us.

Auston's Mom


  • Pre-session email or phone conference to inform the school district instructor on the lesson plan and the goals targeted within the session. School district instructors will also receive any handouts for the session and a list of manipulatives and materials needed.
  • The online session- iHear therapists will collaborate with the school district instructor to help the child reach his/her IEP goals based on the lesson discussed in the pre-session preparation.
  • Post-session email containing follow up activities to reinforce the lesson until the next session. If sessions are daily post session updates occur twice a week with verbal instructions at the end of the session.
Click Here to see our video about iHear, including snapshots of sample lesson plans, sessions, and how we work with school.

Take a look at our proven successful Results Here

For more than 180 years, we’ve been helping students gain confidence and reach their fullest potential. Contact us today to see how we can work with you to help yours. Call us at 314-918-1369!
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