Private Therapy

Services for children 0-18 years including After School, Summer School, and Home School

Home schooling your child and see a need for additional services? Busy summer schedule and wondering how to fit in sessions of Listening and Spoken Language? iHear’s unique delivery system ensures your child and family can get the support you need to continue progress on your goals.

iHear is:

  • Flexible – therapy can be scheduled when it’s convenient for your family. It can occur after school, in the summer, or in the middle of the day.
  • Individualized – therapy goals are created to meet your child’s needs. Faculty comprises educators and speech therapists specializing in children with auditory/ language challenges.
  • Coaching model – iHear is designed to teach skills to not only the child but also the other adults in the session. You’ll learn techniques to help your child reach their goals and meaningful activities you can practice log after the session has expired.
  • Private – Both HIPAA and FERPA compliant, sessions are designed to stay private.

“Not only was doing summer therapy through iHear convenient, my child was able to solidify the skills he had worked on all school year”

Mom in Indiana

Right now is the very best time to see how we can help your family. We provide services to children, from ages 0-18 years, in every corner of the globe.

call today to make an appointment at 314-918-1369 or send us a message below:

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