Let’s hear it for the mamas!

*The mamas who were handed their hours-old baby with the news they had failed their newborn screening…and wondered what would happen next.
*The mamas who sat at the Audiologist and struggled to understand what “bilateral hearing loss” actually meant for her family.
*The mamas of really sick babies born too soon…who were told on top of everything else, baby was deaf. Really really? Doesn’t this kid have enough to battle?
*The mamas who dropped pots in kitchen, clapped their hands in front of baby’s face and purposely set off the fire alarm…and heartbreakingly observed he stayed asleep.
*The mamas who held their baby as the Audiologist fitted hearing aides, praying they would work.
*The mamas who maybe didn’t get hearing aids but held out hope because somebody said baby would be ok….and living with the impact of that decision years later.
*The mamas who, despite normal sleeplessness because the baby was sick or teething (or any other reasons babies don’t sleep at 2am), opened the door for her LSL therapist at 8:30am after the baby had finally, finally gotten to sleep. Or those mamas who quietly signed on with her LSLS online Therapist and cried as you explained why you’re so exhausted.
*The mamas who had to again explain to her own parents (and maybe his) why it was important to put the hearing aids on the baby *everyday*, not just when they went out.
*The mamas who cried when their baby actually heard their voice. He heard me!
*The mamas who happily reminded that baby, now a six year old, to use their “inside” voice.
*The mamas who sat through IEPs, listening to all these professionals talk about her child. Would they know what to do? Would she be ok?
*The mamas who get the text from the tenth grader they have no batteries @10am, a call from the third grader who lost their tan hearing aid on the wood chip playground, or the sobbing seventh grader after lunch because she sat alone again. 
*The mamas who sit at graduation, remembering all of these moments. And watching their baby walk across the stage and receive a diploma. 

Parents are some of the most passionate, inspirational people we’ve ever met. Their stories make us laugh and cry at the same time. We, the staff of SJI, get up every day to joyfully serve you and your family, mama. Keep on being fabulous!