SJI President, Teri Ouellette, MA Ed, LSLS Cert AVEd, was recently featured in the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf with her article “Development of AG Bell Academy and Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS®) Certification”.  The article covers the growing demand for specialty providers around the world and what is being done about the need.  While you have to be a member to read the full post, here’s an excerpt.

There are currently 723 LSLS professionals, about 185 of whom practice outside of the United States. This article also addresses the history of how the certification was developed, the areas of expertise, licensure, and training required within the specialty, and the process to become certified. AG Bell and peer-elected Board Members like Teri are part of the Governing system that helps develop the standards that currently affect every LSLS certified educator.  Get the link here :